What is Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®?
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners have the knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. We also have the capability to run functional lab tests. With our knowledge and labs, we identify healing opportunities to create balance in the body. We assess your hormone health, immune system, digestion, detoxification, and oxidative stress. We enlighten and educate clients to help them overcome their individual health barriers by enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself.
Metabolic Chaos®
Metabolic Chaos® is the intuitive recognition that all cells, tissues, organs, and systems are intimately connected and that any negative influence can and will cascade throughout the entire body so that symptoms may appear far removed from the actual cause or underlying system that is failing. The challenge is figuring out what system or systems were actually failing and throwing off all the other systems or functions that are producing the client’s complaints. And further, what is the least amount of intervention and most amount of healing that needs to occur to have the greatest overall effect.
What is your story?
Many individuals suffer from numerous health issues. Conventional medicine treats symptoms and manages disease. They run lab tests, and treat the test results instead of the person. Conventional medicine doesn’t give information or instruction on how to restore, and repair lost critical function. I can help you with that.
Are you taking medications or supplements with little to no improvement? Are you tired all the time? Do you lack focus? Are you having difficulty sleeping? Do you struggle to maintain weight? Were you diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? Do you have headaches? Do you have painful menstrual cycles? Are you struggling with infertility? Do you have skin problems or acne? Do you struggle with depression/anxiety? Do you have memory problems? Do you have bloating, constipation or other digestive issues?
If you or someone you know has been seen by various healthcare providers, caught up in conventional medicine, and still not getting your desired results- then Functional Diagnostic Nutrition is your answer.
I can help you.
Health issues are perceived as a part of life that you cannot avoid, which is far from true. Your body has an innate intelligence to become well again, and you deserve to live a healthy life!
I suffered with my own health issues for years and I didn’t receive any clarity or true relief from conventional medicine. My own health journey led me to pursue a holistic education. I was able to broaden my knowledge, and recognize that conventional medicine is not getting to the root cause of symptoms. Conventional medicine covers up symptoms with prescriptions and surgery. They do not investigate why the symptom is occurring in the first place. I uncovered the truth about conventional medicine, followed a holistic approach to address my health concerns, and I became the best version of myself!
I want to educate and help others grow in living a healthy lifestyle to help restore their health, naturally. My goal is to make people feel confident taking their health into their own hands by the time we are finished working together. God put it on my heart to help others enhance their body’s ability to heal itself, and I will not let him down.